Lessons learned from the ladies of Utah Eagle Forum & Phyllis Schlafly about being a conservative woman.

Next to being a Christian, I am so very proud to be an American. In this world of oppression, corruption, and poverty you have absolutely won the lottery of life if you are born in the United States of America. Feel free to take that to heart. Fight for your country if you are one of the few who understands her value.
"In a world of inhumanity, war and terrorism, American citizenship is a very precious possession." - Phyllis Schlafly
You may already know this, but I have dual citizenship in Mexico and America. This is because I was born in Mexico to a Mexican father, but my mother is very much an American (she was born in Colorado). Thanks to my mother, I am a citizen of the greatest nation in the world.
I thank God every day for the blessing of being in this great land.
Now let me tell you a little bit about Phyllis Schlafly.
She was nicknamed “The Sweetheart of The Silent Majority”
I only met her a couple of times, but this woman has influenced my life so much, in ways even I can’t fully grasp. She had such a great influence on both my mother and my female mentors in politics. I spent years hearing about her from my family who was involved in Eagle Forum and then for years reading her writings as a teenager and young adult. She is one of the main women who shaped the conservative movement we know today.

She started an organization called Eagle Forum. I spent 7 years on Capitol Hill in my state with Utah Eagle Forum and the wonderful women who led the pro-family march. As I look back on those years, I realize that those years were some of the most forming years of my life. The incredible mentors I had helped shape me and teach me what it means to be a conservative woman.
Being a conservative woman means being proud to embrace womanhood, motherhood, and respect and appreciate manhood. It means knowing that the rights of man do not come from government, but from God. It means knowing your own mind and how to form your own opinions and stands based on study and reason, not on feelings. It means that you have the passion and endurance to make the sacrifices needed to ensure that freedom lives on long after you leave this world. I only hope that someday I can be a fraction of what Phyllis was and my female mentors are. My dream is to help guide and teach other conservative ladies to know what it means to be strong, confident conservative women.