Why is it I can be fined so darn much money for disturbing an eagle nest, catching a turtle, or killing a panda, but on the other hand, I’m practically handed abortion on a silver platter?

“SAVE THE TURTLES!!” My response is: What about saving the baby humans?
🚼 > 🐢
Yesterday I went to an event to see two rescued turtles returned to the ocean. The turn out of people who came to watch was MUCH bigger than I ever would have expected. There were cop cars and officials directing traffic, to get the huge overflow of cars parked along the road. There was a bunch of cameras, media, and just about every person was on their phones (including me) to catch the moment the turtles found their way into the water.
The crowd cheered and celebrated when these two rescued turtles finally go back to their ocean home. ALL THIS, for literally 45 seconds of watching two turtles flounder their way into the water. Now I am NOT a tree hugger by any means, but I do care of our earth and not harming animals unnecessarily, etc etc. I even feel bad that our dumping into the ocean is wrecking some reefs and hurting wildlife. Heck, I went to this event and I even felt it was cool to see these huge turtles make it into the water. BUT... I can’t help but wonder if this mass of humans, with these exact people, would ever be found outside of a Planned Parenthood clinic, trying to save baby humans. Why is it I can be fined so darn much money for disturbing an eagle nest, catching a turtle, or killing a panda, but on the other hand, I’m practically handed abortion on a silver platter? To me, it all comes down to priorities. Protecting and saving human baby lives will always come before the earth or anything else in it. You wanna go save the trees, and the pandas, and the eagles and the turtles, yadda yadda, you go for it! But don’t you dare think I’m gonna be fine with you killing your own offspring or using my taxpayer dollars to pay for the destruction of human life. Human life > everything else.