I was given my first gun at age 9.
Okay so it wasn’t a real gun, it was just a BB-gun. But to me, it sure felt like a real gun.
The first time I shot a gun I was probably around 5 years old. At that time in my life, my mother had left my father and the polygamist lifestyle (I explained about this in previous posts), so it was my mother and one of my uncle's who helped me to learn about gun safety the first time. I remember it being some holiday, we were somewhere in Utah, and my Uncle helped me to hold the handgun, aim, and fire.
Later in life my mother remarried to my wonderful step-dad (real-dad in spirit) and it was him who then taught me about guns growing up.
I was I was taught gun safety with an intense degree of seriousness. I was taught to treat a gun like it is always loaded. To never point a weapon at or near a person. I was informed that when I had a firearm, I must treat it with the utmost vigilance and care.
It was explained to me that a gun is a tool that can be used for good or evil.
At an early age, I became comfortable with firearms, but I also developed a healthy respect for the power over life and death that a gun has.
I think all children should be taught gun safety and respect for weapons at a young age. I think it would not only make our children safer but also help them later as adults to know the basics and see past the liberal gun frenzy mania in our media.
It is essential for all American citizens to have the know-how and respect to use a gun. It is so important to embrace their God-given rights to own and use firearms.
My dear Conservative Babes, if you were not given the opportunity to learn how to use a gun before now, I strongly encourage you to take this time in your life now and take a gun class.
Also think of your children. Will you teach them how to properly use guns?
🗯Comment the story of when you were taught to use a firearm.