In America, you are “innocent, until proven guilty“. But right now the story being spun by the media and Liberals is that a simple accusation makes you “guilty until proven innocent”. That makes me sick... Not only is that 100% un-American but it is just plain evil. The burden of proof lies on the one making the accusation, not the other way around. If we don’t abide by that, then how will justice prevail for anyone? You would find it a common occurrence to see men and women destroyed over a simple accusation! To be honest, I don’t know for sure if the accusations against him hold any truth or not. But here is what I do know: as of today, we do not have solid or clear evidence that shows him to be guilty. That means that unless we get that evidence, he is innocent. End of story. Not only that, but the whole way this whole situation has been handled is terrible and a very clear delay tactic. Let me be very clear: The Democrats DO NOT CARE about Ford or other women who are assaulted (if they did they wouldn’t be backing people like the Clinton’s). The only thing the Democrats care about in this matter is shattering Kavanaugh’s reputation and delaying the whole process till after the November election.
If the Democrats actually cared about Ford (the woman making the accusations), they would have brought this matter up and investigated it weeks and weeks ago when they originally got the information. Instead, they sat on the information for eight weeks until the very last minute! All to delay the confirmation. The way they have completely ripped Kavanaugh in the media, and assumed his guilt, without any other cooperative and supporting evidence is just plain wrong. To destroy a man and assault his family with the the the situation... just plain messed up.