When did women decide that it is an insult for men to treat them like ladies? From men to open doors, pay for dates, and be the breadwinner in marriage?
When did so many women give up on being genteel, feminine, ladies?
The harsh reality is that 3rd wave feminism really did a number on Western women. What’s funny is while the feminists thought they were fighting for women, we actually got the short end of the stick. Women traded waiting till marriage, for sex on the first date. Women traded motherhood for killing our children in the womb. Women rejected being feminine and genteel and trade it for being aggressive and harsh. The 3rd wave feminists decided that men and women were not just equal, but THE SAME. Which as we know it’s flat out crazy. 3rd wave feminists decided to throw out some of the very best virtues of women (gentleness, softness, gracefulness, nurturing and motherly tendencies) and did their best to try to embrace the worst of masculine tendencies (unbridled aggression, greed, harshness, callousness, egotism).
So many of today’s women pride themselves on man-bashing and “doing everything a man can do”.
In the effort to be the same as men, so many misguided women today are trying to be “equal” in sex. They run out to have one night stands and practice risky sexual behavior. They end up hurt, empty, unfulfilled, with an STD and maybe even an abortion... The truth is, women are simply not built the same as men. We aren’t the same physically, mentally, or emotionally. We’re just built differently. No matter how hard feminists try to prove they are the same, they simply aren’t. Not only that, but it is utterly unattractive for women to try and be men. I’ve talked to a lot of men, and let me tell you, they all say the same thing in different words. The sexiest and most desirable women are those who embrace womanhood.