Many Christian millennials are waiting till they are 30+ to get married. What’s funny is they think they’ll still find that perfect, made-for-commitment, virgin, bride/groom and have kids.

⚠️-Post may be offensive.
If you haven’t already noticed, many Christian millennials are waiting till they are 30+ to get married. What’s funny is they think they’ll still find that perfect, made-for-commitment, virgin, bride/groom and have kids.
As human beings, we are innately driven to bond and live life with a partner.
If you aren’t getting married BY CHOICE- and intentionally avoiding marriage (different story if you can’t find someone) chances are you are still in some kind of long-term committed relationship. If you are in a long-term relationship and choosing not to get married, you are very likely living together or at least sleeping together.
If you aren’t in a relationship, you are likely chronically lonely, unhappy or bouncing around from one relationship to another, producing the same effect. If you are alone with no relationship whatsoever, you likely have a destructive habit of viewing pornography.
Most people who are not married by the age of 30 will usually fall into one of the above categories or some kind of combination of the above.
Also, women, remember that your fertility rate drops around 30, and drops drastically more around 35. Why would you take the risk and waste most of your childbearing years sewing wild oats, taking the risk of not being able to have children when you do finally settle down. That’s IF you even find a guy at that age who is willing, able and worthy of having children with.
The truth is, no one is “ready for marriage.”
You are ready when you do it. The “right time” to get married is when you find the right person. Someone who holds the same values as you, wants the same kind of future you want and is willing to go through any kind of hell in life and stay with you. When you find that person, don’t wait. Get married. When you are 89 years old and dying, the most important thing you will look back on is your spouse and family. So put the relationships first in life. I am a proponent of young, responsible marriage.